IMD retained its 2024 monsoon forecast at 106% of LPA i.e., translating into ‘Above normal’ sub-category

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May 27, 2024

QuantEco Research || India Monsoon Tracker - A rainfall bounty

IMD expects rainfall over the three of the four geographical regions to be ‘Normal or better’. Specifically, it forecasts ‘Above normal’ rainfall in Central India and South Peninsula (>106% of LPA) and ‘Normal’ over Northwest India (92-108%). In contrast, ‘Below Normal’ rainfall activity is expected over Northeast India (<94% of LPA). An ‘Above normal’ monsoon in 2024 will be critical for several reasons- assuage price pressures, especially for perishables; replenish water reservoirs; catapult agri production to above trend and support rural consumption recovery. However, weneed keep a close watch on intertemporal distribution of monsoon.