The Southwest monsoon has seen a tardy progress in early Jun-22 especially in Southern peninsula

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Jun 07, 2022

India South-west Monsoon - A slow start

The Southwest monsoon has seen a tardy progress in early Jun-22 especially in Southern peninsula. The onset, which was marked on 29th May-22 by the Indian Meteorological Department (IMD), was ahead of schedule. Since then, rainfall activity has been low (at -31% of LPA as of 6th Jun-22) and is only likely to pick up in the third week of Jun-22 as per recent comments from IMD officials. While still early days yet, Kharif sowing has been on a slow start in early Jun-22. As per data available up to 3rd Jun-22, Kharif sowing is nearly 18% lower on an annualised basis led by states of Haryana, Punjab and Rajasthan.